Anxiety Treatment

New Project (42)

Do your worry thoughts consume you throughout your day?

Does it feel like a hamster wheel running in your head and you can’t seem to get the thoughts to stop? Do you worry about the worrying you do? Maybe even you experience the stress in your body somehow either with aches, diarrhea, or a shortness of breath at times. I would suspect that if you experience any of these things, sleep is a struggle as well….either falling or staying asleep.  There’s a good chance that your worries impact your relationships as well.

Perhaps your thoughts are focused on past events, wishing things could have gone differently.  Or perhaps your thoughts are directly related to what may happen in the future, trying to play out all the possible outcomes of a situation.  This has got to be exhausting for you! Not to mention-how this worry impacts how you feel about yourself and your life.

Anxiety can be present for years or it can be the result of a current or recent situation you experienced.  Either way, there’s help out there for you. It’s okay if you need the help.  Release the pressure on yourself to move on from the difficult situations. It may seem like your life has been put on hold for the time being, but it does not have to be this way forever.

Perhaps You Are A Parent Of A Child Who Is Demonstrating Anxiety Or “Acting Out”…

If you have noticed a sudden shift in your child or teen’s behavior, you may be concerned about their mental health. They may have become increasingly defiant or closed off, impacting the entire family dynamic. And this may be especially hard for you if you had similar struggles with your parents when you were younger.  

We understand that you don’t want to continue an unhealthy pattern in your family dynamic—you just want your kids to be happy, healthy, and successful for years to come. Our therapists will work with you, as well as your children, to understand the impact of trauma and help put an end to the cycles that perpetuate it.  

Anxiety Is A Common Experience

You are not alone with your anxiety.  In fact, many people, whether they realize it or not, experience anxiety at some point in their life.  Anxiety can be a very obvious feeling, causing panic, inability to get out of bed or function the way one once had or maybe it prevents you from making a decision. Anxiety can be less obvious as well in that it drive people to be over scheduled or impact relationships through a need to control others.  

People tend to respond to their anxiety by means of either “fight, flight, or freeze.” Depending on the trigger to their anxiety, your response may vary. Each of these responses can be difficult to deal with in how it impacts your life.  You may have found that patterns have been created in your response to your worries.  And maybe from noticing these patterns, it causes you to think poorly of yourself.  It’s possible that your worry has caused you to be your own worst critic in life.

Anxiety Treatment Can Help You Live A Life More Consistent With Your Values.

However your anxiety presents itself, the first thing to do is to acknowledge its presence.  At that point, through the use of mindfulness, working with your thoughts and behavioral patterns, and relaxing your body you can begin to experience relief from you symptoms.

During the course of treatment, you get to determine the best route for you. I will present you with various options we could take, based on my training and experience, and we would develop a plan from there. You are your own expert in your life and for that reason, you would know best what would work for you.

woman standing in a field with flowers

Anxiety treatment can help you create a safe haven for yourself so that you are comfortable within your own skin and your environment. The therapy office is where this process can start. You will feel relaxed as soon as you enter my office with the relaxing music playing and the peaceful ambiance. From there, you will begin to expand this feeling into your own life experience and notice the peacefulness that replaces the worry.

middle aged man staring intensely at camera

Do you Still Wonder If Anxiety Treatment Will Be Helpful For You?

Are you afraid the worry may increase when talking about it during anxiety treatment?

Often times, people avoid what scares them the most.  Avoidance actually makes the worries intensify in that it creates a much bigger, scarier “thing” than what’s really the case.  I can certainly understand how trying anxiety treatment can provoke more fears for you, especially if you have never done it before.  Anytime a new situation comes about, whether it be a new person or new situation, it presents an unknown.  If it seems as though nothing you do on your own helps, or if you notice you keep putting anxiety treatment off, then it may be time to make an investment in yourself for your own benefit.  You will thank yourself afterwards!

I have been in anxiety treatment before and it didn’t help.  How would anxiety treatment with you be different?

If this is your concern, then, of course, it would be hard to re-engage with a new person.  You may wonder if therapy is helpful in general.  While I can’t speak to the nature of the previous anxiety treatment you experienced, I can say that many things will be different.  It’s likely that you are a different person or your life circumstances have changed, or maybe even your own mindset as to what you are willing to do differently to make the needed changes for yourself.  These factors alone, will help create a change for how this experience may differ.  In regards to my “way” of providing anxiety treatment, you are very much a player in the whole thing.  You decide where you are at, what may or may not be helpful, and your willingness to implement change is huge as well.  My treatment approach in general, is a very strength-based and solution-focused approach that, together we can make changes.  I would want you to feel connected to me as well.  If you do not feel safe and connected then, naturally, the treatment may not be as helpful as well. 

I do not have time for anxiety treatment. When could I possible fit it into my schedule?

There are many potential barriers to whether or not therapy will work, scheduling is often one of them.  I offer services five days a week with a variety of options.  Often times we put others before ourselves, therefore never or rarely tending to our own needs.  How can you care for others if you are not cared for yourself? Think of this as a scheduled investment, not only into yourself, but an investment for your family that you will be in a better position to be present with them. Scheduling always works itself out.

There Is Hope and You Can Live the Life You Desire

It’s time to put yourself first.  If you are not happy, you cannot get the most out of life and your relationships.  Getting help is a sign a courage, strength and development into who you want to be. I offer a free phone consultation of 15 minutes so that potential clients can get a sense of me, my personality and whether or not you see me as a good fit for you. During this conversation, you can ask my any additional questions you may have. I can be reached at (703) 554-2882. I look forward to talking with you soon!